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DNS Cache Update

The DNS cache update feature allows you to make asynchronous DNS requests and cache results for a configured period of time. This feature could be useful when DNS load balancing is used.

Feature availability

This feature and corresponding variables are supported only in the PROXY API Firewall mode.

To configure the DNS cache update, use the following environment variables:

Environment variable Type Description
APIFW_DNS_CACHE bool Turns on using async DNS resolving and caching feature.
The default value is false.
APIFW_DNS_FETCH_TIMEOUT time.Duration TTL of the cache.
The default value is 1 minute.
APIFW_DNS_LOOKUP_TIMEOUT time.Duration Lookup timeout.
The default value is 1 second.
APIFW_DNS_NAMESERVER_HOST string Host of the custom nameserver.
By default the value is “”. In this case the configured in the system DNS server will be used.
APIFW_DNS_NAMESERVER_PORT string Port of the custom nameserver.
The default value is 53.
APIFW_DNS_NAMESERVER_PROTO string Protocol to use.
Possible values are case tcp, tcp4, tcp6, udp, udp4, udp6 - 4 and 6 are IPv4 and IPv6.

The default value is udp.

When the asynchronous DNS resolving and caching feature is turned on, a dedicated goroutine is started and the DNS cache is updated every fetch timeout period. If a custom nameserver is configured then it will be used by the APIFW for all requests and DNS caching system. If a host contains multiple IPs for one entry then the first entry will be used. Also, the IPv4 has higher priority than the IPv6 IPs.