SSL/TLS Configuration¶
This guide explains how to set environment variables for configuring SSL/TLS connections between the API Firewall and the protected application, as well as for the API Firewall server itself. Provide these variables when launching the API Firewall Docker container for REST API or GraphQL API.
Secure SSL/TLS connection between API Firewall and the application¶
To establish a secure connection between the API Firewall and the protected application's server that utilizes custom CA certificates, utilize the following environment variables:
Mount the custom CA certificate to the API Firewall container. For example, in your
, make the following modification:... volumes: - <HOST_PATH_TO_SPEC>:<CONTAINER_PATH_TO_SPEC> + - <HOST_PATH_TO_CA>:<CONTAINER_PATH_TO_CA> ...
Provide the mounted file path using the following environment variables:
Environment variable | Description |
APIFW_SERVER_ROOT_CA (only if the APIFW_SERVER_INSECURE_CONNECTION value is false ) | Path inside the Docker container to the protected application server's CA certificate. |
Insecure connection between API Firewall and the application¶
To set up an insecure connection (i.e., bypassing SSL/TLS verification) between the API Firewall and the protected application's server, use this environment variable:
Environment variable | Description |
APIFW_SERVER_INSECURE_CONNECTION | Determines whether the SSL/TLS certificate validation of the protected application server should be disabled. The server address is denoted in the APIFW_SERVER_URL variable. By default (false ), the system attempts a secure connection using either the default CA certificate or the one specified in APIFW_SERVER_ROOT_CA . |
SSL/TLS for the API Firewall server¶
To ensure the server running the API Firewall accepts HTTPS connections, follow the steps below:
Mount the certificate and private key directory to the API Firewall container. For example, in your
, make the following modification:... volumes: - <HOST_PATH_TO_SPEC>:<CONTAINER_PATH_TO_SPEC> + - <HOST_PATH_TO_CERT_DIR>:<CONTAINER_PATH_TO_CERT_DIR> ...
Provide mounted file paths using the following environment variables:
Environment variable | Description |
APIFW_TLS_CERTS_PATH | Path in the container to the directory where the certificate and private key for the API Firewall are mounted. |
APIFW_TLS_CERT_FILE | Filename of the SSL/TLS certificate for the API Firewall, located within the APIFW_TLS_CERTS_PATH directory. |
APIFW_TLS_CERT_KEY | Filename of the SSL/TLS private key for the API Firewall, found in the APIFW_TLS_CERTS_PATH directory. |